Participé con mi óleo Isabella Dorada. La Galería de Arte Luis Seoane es un espacio muy agradable así como sus autoridades que nos recibieron cálidamente.
I presented my oil painting Golden Isabella. Art Gallery Luis Seoane is a really nice place alike its authorities who gave us a warm reception.
Con Isabella Dorada With Golden Isabella |
Con mi maestro Ricardo Celma With my teacher Ricardo Celma |
As part of the exhibition inauguration, Annette Sein and Andrés Ascenio song a selection of 50s' melodies (What a Wonderful World, Tea for Two, etc.). Then, to our amazement, Ricardo Celma song with them a couple of spanish melodies.
Ricardo Celma cantando con Andrés Ascenio y Annette Sein Ricardo Celma together singing with Andrés Ascenio and Annette Sein |
Parte de los alumnos de Ricardo Celma en la inauguración de la muestra Some of Ricardo Celma's students at exhibition's inauguration |
ArtRoad: Noviembre 11-13, 2011, Sofitel La Reserva Cardales, Ruta 9 Km. 61.5, Buenos Aires, Argentina
En esta segunda edición, participé con mi última acuarela, Petiso de Polo, y los dos óleos que completé este año, Roberto y Corazón del Océano (éste último finalista del Concurso de Pintura Figurativa ArtRoad 2011). Al igual que en la edición anterior, disfruté la interacción con el público, así como con los otros expositores de diferentes partes del país, así como de países vecinos.
Roberto estuvo muy ocupado atendiendo los numerosos requerimientos de visitantes que le pedían se ubicara junto a su retrato para tomarle fotografías, espero que no incremente su tarifa como modelo...
In this second edition, I presented my last watercolor, Polo Pony, and the two oil paintings I completed this year. Roberto and Hearth of the Ocean (this last one selected as finalist in ArtRoad 2011's Figurative Painting Contest). Just as in the former edition, I enjoyed the interaction with the public as well as the other exhibitors from around the country and neighboring countries.
Roberto was very busy attending to the numerous visitors' requests asking him to pose next to his portrait to take pictures, I hope he is not going to increase his fare after this experince...
Roberto was very busy attending to the numerous visitors' requests asking him to pose next to his portrait to take pictures, I hope he is not going to increase his fare after this experince...
Con Roberto y Petiso de Polo With Roberto and Polo Pony |
Con mi maestro Ricardo Celma With my teacher Ricardo Celma |
Con Roberto (el original) y Corazón del Océano With Roberto (the original one) and Hearth of the Ocean |
Con Mariano Venditti y sus maravillosas naturalezas muertas hiperrealistas With Mariano Venditti and his wonderful hiperrealistic still lifes |
Con Alicia Combina, condiscípula de pintura y amiga With Alicia Combina, art classmate and friend |
Festejando el Primer Premio de Alicia junto a mi otra condiscípula y amiga Zulma Sangiorgio Celebrating Alicia's First Prize together with my other classmate and friend Zulma Sangiorgio |
Juan Rodó Alleno y su copratagonista interpretando un fragmento del Fantasma de la Ópera Juan Rodó and his partner playing a fragment of Phantom of the Opera |
Fueron días muy ocupados y excitantes, es la exposición más grande en la que he participado (con mis caballitos: Primavera, Criollos y Pura Sangre), con expositores de todo el país y una gran afluencia de público.
Ante mi asombro y regocijo, recibí consejos así como palabras de elogio y aliento de varios grandes de la pintura que participaban de esa misma exposición.
Quite busy and exciting days, it was the most important exhibition I have been part of (I participated with my little horses: Primavera, Criollos and Pura Sangre), together with artists from every corner of the country and a huge public attendance. To my wonder and enjoyment, I received words of encouragement and advice from many of the great artists who were exhibiting their works there.
Con Ricardo Celma, quién extremadamente cálido y cordial, me brindó sus comentarios y consejos.
With Ricardo Celma, who brings me his extremely warm and friendly opinion and advice about my works.
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A very special thanks to Orlando Argañaraz and Carlos H. Croxatto for their kindly advice and for sharing with me their huge knowledge about horses.
Expo Pintura 2010
Septiembre 9-16 de 2010, salón Ronald Nash, Campana, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Exposición conjunta con integrantes del taller Rincón del Arte, expuse mi acuarela Criollos.
Collective exhibition with the members of Rincón del Arte, I exhibited my watercolor Criollos.
Salón Ronald Nash |